Homi K. Bhabha - The Location of Culture
I've been finding Bhabha's classic of post-colonial cultural theory a really engaging read. Writing my essay around the subject of migratory form I have found this indispensable, his notions of 'in-Betweeness' and production of self-identity within the minority, marginalised individual that exist on the periphery of existing culture in a globalised, post-colonial world have been really useful in forming my own ideas of form in relation to my essay as well as my own practice.
Irit Rogoff - Terra Infirma
Rogoff here applies the language and signifying nature of geography and its associated connotations - space, luggage, travel, belonging - to contemporary art, reflecting on the problematics of geography in terms of its masking of issues of identity and relating these issues to visual culture and the image.
I am so pleased I have somebody I can bond over the postcolonial with! Not only am I doing my disseration on it but looking at the MA too. Bhabha and his concepts of the third space on enunciation are heroic and I look forward to hearing about how he integrates into your work! X
Yes I agree, I'm slowly working my way through it, it's good stuff. And yes Dulcie mentioned you were thinking of the masters, good luck! x
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