Saturday 26 March 2011

There is an alternative

As many will be aware today hundred of thousands of people took to the streets of London for the TUC organised 'March for the Alternative' anti cuts demonstration. In stark contrast to the student protests of last year this was a good natured march, in no large part thanks to the fact that those gathered were granted their right to march peacefully without being hindered by swathes of riot police, an act of political policing that the students were subjected to that clearly would not be considered appropriate here, given the cross section of society that was represented. Union members from all professions, both private and public sector, from the elderly to the young, students to teachers, all were out to voice their anger at the savage cuts being implemented by the government. As of this evening it seems that once again it seems the media is intent on highlighting an extremely small minority of violent protestors completely separate from the march, but then you would expect no less.

On the subject, these articles are definitely worth a read...

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